Gudrunkören is the joint choir of Blekingska, Kalmar and Wermlands nations at Lund University.
We rehearse Tuesdays between 7 pm and 9.30 pm at Blekingska nationen, and give performances regularly at nation parties, major holidays as well as our own concerts now and then.
No audition or previous choir experience is required so why not join us today?
During the rehearsals we not only sing, but also eat fika and sometimes go to a pub afterwards for drinks and conversation. Please join and make new friends!
Once every semester we go to choir camp in cabin in the woods (usually a Scout camp somewhere in Skåne) to sing and have a great time. Dont miss!
Contact us on E-mail
Official hashtag
Useful links:
When in the choir, please request access to our google site with midi files for practice:
Alumni-group on Facebook. If you spent some time in Gudrunkören and still want to keep in touch with us (in case we will run a big anniversary party or someting like that… ;- )
Awesome free software to use with midi files:
vanBasco’s Karaoke Player